State Bank of India Officers' Association (Kerala Circle)

Registered under the Indian Trade Unions Act 1926 Reg No 1-38/2000
C/o State Bank of India, Local Head Office, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram - 695012
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Area meeting of SBIOA (KC) for Kanhangad Region held on 12.09.2023

Area meeting of SBIOA (KC) for Kanhangad Region was conducted on 12.09.2023 at Hotel Bekel International Kanhangad.

The meeting was presided over by DGS of Kozhikkode Module Committee Com.Rejaneesh E J. Regional Secretary Com.Sreejith T G welcomed the gathering. All the Circle Office Bearers, President Com.Biju T, Vice President Com.V S Unnikrishnan, General Secretary Com.Rajesh S, DGS (HQ) Com.Rajesh R, DGS (HQ) Com.Mahesh Jayan, Secretary Finance Com.Mahesh Venugopal, Assistant Secretary Finance Com.Jaganathan V and Kozhikkode Module AGS Com.Rexy Ignatious addressed the gathering and elaborated on organisational matters.

Thereafter the session was opened to members for deliberations. Twelve of our comrades took part in the deliberations and expressed their concerns and gave suggestions in the meeting. At the end of the open forum, General Secretary replied to the deliberations. The open forum was very much interactive and fruitful.

Com.Sharon M R AGS Kozhikkode Module expressed vote of thanks. Meeting concluded by 10.00 pm. The meeting was a grand success with full house till the end of the meeting.

Written 10 months ago